
Rabu, 19 Maret 2014


Darin Qonitah


Indirect Speech adalah kalimat tak langsung, yaitu kalimat yang dikatakan olehh orang lain (mungkin di tempat dan waktu yang berbeda) berdasarkan apa yang dikatakan langsung oleh penutur pertama. “Indirect Speech” disebut juga reported speech atau quoted speech.

1 .  Dalam indirect speech, “the past continuous tense” yang digunakan dengan when clause tidak mengalami perubahan.
2.  Dalam British English, penulisan tanda kutip menggunakan tanda kutip satu (‘  ‘), sedangkan dalam American English, penulisannya menggunakan tanda kutip dua (“  “).
3.  ‘should’ yang digunakan dengan I dan We (British) mempunyai arti akan bukan sebaliknya. ‘should’ berubah menjadi would dalam indirect speech.
      a)      He said, ‘ I should be happy.’ à He said that he would be happy
      b)      He said, ‘I shall be happy.’     à He said that he would be happy
4.  Untuk suatu pernyataan yang benar secara universal. Kita dapat menggunakan the simple present tense dalam noun clause.
       a)      He said that the sun rises in the east.
       b)      He said that the sun rose in the east.
5.     Jika introductory verb atau kata kerja dalam klausa utama dalam bentuk the simple present, the present perfect atau the simple future tense, maka dalam indirect speech tidak mengalami perubahan.
        a)      He says that he is trying to work carefully.
        b)      She has said that she will never be late again.

   Tense yang harus kita perhatikan dalam pola ini yaitu:
Indirect Speech:
1.        Simple Past Tense
Rumus :
(+) subject + verb 2
Example 1 : I met him yesterday
Example 2 : He stole my car last night
        (-) subject + did + not + verb 1
Example 1 : I didn’t meet him yesterday
Example 2 : He didn’t steal my car last night
(?) Did + subject + verb 1 + ?
Example 1 : Did I meet him yesterday ?
Example 2 : Did he steal my car last night?

Pengecualian: Ketika Predikat suatu kalimat bukan kata kerja, maka pengganti kata kerja tersebut adalah was (I, she, he, it) dan were (we, you, they).
Rumus :
(+) subject + was/were + adjective/adverb/noun
Example 1 : I was a good student last year
Example 2 : She was at his house last night
(-) subject + was/were + not + adjective/adverb/noun
Example 1 : I was not a good student
Example 2 : She was not at his house last night
(?) was/were + subject + adjective/adverb/noun + ?
Example 1 : Was I a good student ?
Example 2 : Was she at his house last night ?
Kapan kita memakai Simple Past Tense?
Kita memakai Tense ini untuk membicarakan tentang satu perbuatan yang terjadi di masa lampau.

2.      Past Continuous Tense
(+) subject + was/were + V- ing
Example 1 : We were joking.
Example 2 : She was waiting him two hours ago
(-) subject + was/were + not + V- ing
Example 1 : We were not joking
Example 2 : She was not waiting him two hours ago
(?) was/were + subject + V – ing + ?
Example 1 : Were we joking ?
Example 2 : Was she waiting him two hours ago ?
Kapan kita menggunakan Tense ini?
Tense ini menggambarkan suatu tindakan atau kejadian pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau.

3.      Past Perfect Tense
Subject + had + verb 3
Example 1 : I had listen the radio when you come here
Example 2 : I had eaten my breakfast
Kapan kita menggunakan Past Perfect Tense?
Tense ini mengekspresikan tindakan di masa lalu sebelum tindakan lain terjadi, namun kejadiannya di masa lampau.

 4.      Past Perfect Continuous Tense
subject + had + been + V – ing
Example 1 : She had been helping me when they went to school
Example 2 : He had been meeting me before he met my mother
Kapan Kita menggunakan Past Perfect Continuous Tense?
Tense ini sama pemakaiannya dengan Past Perfect Tense, namun mengekspresikan tindakan-tindakan yang lebih lama di masa lampau sebelum tindakan lain terjadi.

5.      Past Future Tense/Conditional
Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan/peristiwa yang akan terjadi diwaktu lampau
subject + WOULD + verb 1
Example 1: She would not be at school tomorrow.
Example 2 : I would not be go to the party tonight

6.      Past Future Continuous Tense (Conditional Continuous)
Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang sedang terjadi di waktu lampau.
subject + WOULD + BE + V - ing
Example 1 : We would be having dinner at home yesterday.
Example 2 : They would be going to school this morning

7.       Conditional
Conditional sentence adalah kalimat pengandaian yang mengandaikan suatu keinginan, harapan, rencana dan lain-lain yang :
·          Masih bisa terjadi (possible)
·          Tak terpenuhi / angan-angan (unreal /probable) dan
·          Tidak terwujud (imposible)

Ada  3  bentuk conditional sentence yaitu :
·          Tipe I : Future conditional yang menyatakan suatu keinginan, harapan, ataupun rencana yang masih BISA TERJADI / when we are thinking about possibilities.
IF + S + V1, S + will +V1
Example 1 : If I pass the exam, I will continue to university
Example 2 : If I can’t become your girlfriend, I wiil keep to smile
Faktanya 1 : Maybe I pass the exam, if I study hard.
Faktanya 2 : Maybe I can’t become your girlfriend, if I don’t care about him

·          Type II : Present conditional, yang menyatakan suatu keinginan, harapan ataupun rencana yang tak terpenuhi / angan-angan ( unreal) or when we imagine a situation.
IF + S + V2, S + would + V1
Example 1 : If I felt better, I would take a walk in the park today
Example 2 : If I were not tired, I would help you
Faktanya 1 : I don’t feel better now.
Faktanya 2 : I’m tired now.
*In type II “were “ is used for all subjects

·          Type III : Past conditional yang menyatakan suatu keinginan, harapan atau rencana yang tidak terwujud ( imposible) or when we imagine a situation based on the facts in the past.
IF + S + had + V3, S + would have + V3
Example 1 : If I had felt better, I would have come to class yesterday
Example 2 : If I had come, you would have had good time
Faktanya 1 : I didn’t feel  better
Faktanya 2 : I didn’t come
*Untuk tipe III sering berbentuk inversion (pembalikan posisi). Subjek 2 kata kerjanya serta tidak menggunakan IF.
Example 1 : Had I passed the exam, I would have continued to university.
Example 2 : Had I come, you would have had good time.
Kalau reported speech berhubungan dengan kebenaran umum atau fakta yang sudah menjadi kebiasaan, present indefinite atau simple present dalam reported speech tidak diubah ke dalam bentuk lampau yang sesuai, melainkan tetap persis sebagaimana adanya,
Contoh :
He said, “The sun rises in the east”
He said that the sun rises in the east.
Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
1)      He said, ‘I work Hard.’
He said (that) he worked hard
2)      He said, ‘I am working hard.’
He said (that)he was working hard
3)      He said, ‘I will work hard.’
He said (that) He would work hard
4)      He said, ‘I was working hard.’
He said (that) he had been working hard
5)      He said, ‘I worked hard.’
He said (that) he had worked hard
6)      He said, ‘I have worked hard.’
He said (that) he had worked hard
7)      He said, ‘I am going to work hard.’
He said (that) he was going to work hard
8)      He said, ‘I can work hard.’
He said (that) he could work hard
9)      He said, ‘I may work hard.’
He said (that) he might work hard
10)   He said, ‘I might work hard.’
He said (that) he might work hard
11)   He said, ‘I must work hard.’
He said (that) he must/had to work hard
12)   He said, ‘I have to work hard.’
He said (that) he had to work hard
 He said, ‘work hard.’
He told me to work hard
 He said, ‘I should work hard.’
He said (that) he should work hard
 He said, ‘Don’t leave.’
He told me not to leave
 He said, ‘Will you come?’
He asked if (wheter or not) I would go.
 He asked, ‘where are you?’
He asked me where I was
 He said, ‘I was talking to my teacher when Ann called me.’
He said (that) he was talking to his teacher when Ann called him

Perhatikan perubahan adverb of time (keterangan waktu) dan kata kerja di dalam Indirect Speech
Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
Now (sekarang)
Then, at that moment (pada waktu itu)
Today (hari ini)
That day (hari itu)
Yesterday (Kemarin)
The day before, the previous day (sehari sebelumnya)
Last night (semalam)
The night before, the previous night (semalam sebelumnya)
Last week (minggu lalu)
the week before, the previous week (seminggu sebelumnya)
Two days ago (dua hari lalu)
Two days before (dua hari sebelumnya)
A week ago (seminggu lalu)
a week before, the previous week (seminggu sebelumnya)
A month ago (sebulan lalu)
A month before, the previous month (sebulan sebelumnya)
A year ago (setahun lalu)
a year before, the previous year (setahun sebelumnya)
Tomorrow (besok)
the following day, the next day (hari berikutnya)
Next week (minggu depan)
the following week (minggu berikutnya)
Next month (bulan depan)
the following month (bulan berikutnya)
Next year (tahun depan)
the following year (tahun berikutnya)
Next Monday (senin depan)
the following Monday (senin berikutnya)
Here (disini)
there (disana)
Over here (di sebelah sini)
over there (disebelah sana)
This (ini)
that (itu)
These (ini)
those (itu)
That night
This week
That week
The day before yesterday      
Two days before
Three years ago
Three years before
The day after tomorrow
In two day’s time/The following day
This book
The book

Perubahan-perubahan auxiliaries (kata bantu) yang harus diperhatikan:
        Would have to (kegiatan yang akan datang)/had to (keharusan yang biasa)
The man said, “I must mend the wall next week”
The man said that he would have to mend the wall the following week.
Pria itu mengatakan bahwa dia harus memperbaiki dinding minggu berikutnya.
The girl said, ” I must wash my hands before eating”
The girl said that she had to wash her hands before eating.
Gadis itu berkata bahwa dia harus mencuci tangannya sebelum makan.

Direct and Indirect Speech ada 4 macam:
1. Statement (Pernyataan) yang menggunakan “that”
He said, “we will go to Singapore tomorrow”
He said that they would go to Singapore the next day.
Bob said, ” I’m a university student”
Bob said that he was a university student.

2. Command (Perintah) menambahkan kata “to” sebagai penghubung kalimat melaporkan dengan yang dilaporkan. “not to” dalam perintah negatif.

He told me, “wait for me !”
He told me to wait for him.
She told me, “don’t cheat anymore !”
She told me not to cheat anymore.

3. Question (Pertanyaan) jika kalimat dari jenis “yes or no question”, maka bentuk laporannya menggunakan if atau whether.

Ina asked me, “Do you really love me?”
Ina asked me if/whether I really loved her.
Mixed type:
Anton asked me, “what’s happening to you ? You look so pale”
Anton asked me what was happening to me as I looked so pale.
Catatan: Past Tense kadang-kadang tidak berubah dalam percakapan.

4. Request is a sentence that asks someone to do something. It ends with a period (.) or a question mark(?).
Request :   -menggunakan tanda titik (.) atau tanda tanya (?) untuk mengakhiri kalimat
        -digunakan untuk bertanya atau meminta seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu
        -sering menggunakan kata-kata seperti could, would, dll
1. Could you help me please?
2. Would you answer the phone?
3. Open the window please
4. Please buy some egg at the market
5. Bring me the glasess please

1.      D : She says to her friend, “ I have been reading “
I : She says to her friend that he has been reading
2.      D : He will say, “ The girl wasn’t ugly “
I : He will tell them that the girl wasn’t ugly
3.      D : Reza said, “ I’m very sleepy “
I : Reza said that he was very sleepy
4.      D : He has told you, “ I am writing “
I : He has told you that he is writing
5.      D : Mother said to her son, “ study hard “
I : Mothe advised her son to study hard
6.      D : My friend said to me, “ I don’t like football “
I : My friend said to me that he didn’t like football
7.      D : She said, “ I didn’t go to campus
I : She said that she hadn’t gone to campus this morning
8.      D : Rikza says, “ I have seen that movies “
I : Rikza says that she has seen that movies
   .      D : Mother asked her, “ Don’t go there alone “
I : Mother asked her not to go there alone
1   .  D : Father asked robi, “ Don’t smoke too much “
I : Father asked robi not to smoke too much

Referensi :